Fiver Children's Foundation

About Fiver Children's Foundation

Through our one-of-a-kind ten-year commitment, Fiver provides experiences that challenge and build relationships that nurture so that youth from systemically under-resourced communities in New York can create their own positive futures.


Camp Staff at Camp Fiver

June 2018 - August 2018 Poolville, NY
“The Fiver Children's Foundation and Camp Fiver attracts people from all over the world to be camp counselors throughout the summer. It's not very common for a recent high school graduate to be working with people from New Zealand, Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, and New York City. I had the opportunity to meet and work with a very diverse group of people for a whole summer. ”

Marketing Coordinator

June 2018 - August 2018 New York City, NY
“Incredibly diverse and welcoming staff. Warm environment and the organization does amazing work, highly recommend if you're interested in youth-centered work and programming for underserved communities in NYC”
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